using haproxy.socket to add new servers.
Kevin Hunt, Ph.D
2014-08-06 15:24:30 UTC
Is this supported? I want to do this when we dynamically add servers in EC2, but I cant find documentation if its really an option with haproxy.

Adding a serverA ipA:portA to the 'query_backend':

echo "add server query_backend/serverA ipA:portA check inter 3000 rise 2 fall 3 maxconn 50" | socat stdio unix-connect:/var/haproxy.socket

Removing serverA again:

echo "remove server query_backend/serverA" | socat stdio unix-connect:/var/haproxy.socket

Extracted from: https://gist.github.com/toddlers/6080314
Dr. Kevin H. Hunt - TransWorks
AVP of Infrastructure
Security Officer
260-487-4440 Fax
Steven Le Roux
2014-08-07 09:05:48 UTC

no you can't for now.

But what you could do is to add dummy servers (for provisionning) with
dummy addresses that will not match any checks, and then when you have a
new server available as backend, and just change the address by the new one
from the CLI.

According to willy it was on the way, I don't know if it has been pushed
yet. This is a feature that is part of the health-checks ability to watch
for a dns change.

If it's not already done, maybe you could try to contribute it ?
Post by Kevin Hunt, Ph.D
Is this supported? I want to do this when we dynamically add servers in
EC2, but I cant find documentation if its really an option with haproxy.
echo "add server query_backend/serverA ipA:portA check inter 3000 rise 2 fall 3 maxconn 50" | socat stdio unix-connect:/var/haproxy.socket
echo "remove server query_backend/serverA" | socat stdio unix-connect:/var/haproxy.socket
Extracted from: https://gist.github.com/toddlers/6080314
Dr. Kevin H. Hunt - TransWorks
AVP of Infrastructure
Security Officer
260-487-4440 Fax
Steven Le Roux
Jabber-ID : Steven-gLC+hB8UoVdQFI55V6+***@public.gmane.org
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2FF7 226B 552E 4709 03F0 6281 72D7 A010 3949 4CCB